Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

What is the is an online community of members who take surveys in exchange for rewards such  as vouchers and cash payments. Membership is entirely free & so are the gift cards. Join in today by  visiting 

Am I able to participate in your surveys? 

You must be 13 years of age or older to participate in any survey. Oftentimes (but not always), surveys  are location-dependent. Additionally, your previous survey participation plays a significant role in  determining survey availability

What is the procedure for taking part in surveys

Following the completion of your free account registration, you will receive an email to confirm your  registration. You will be required to fill out some basic demographic information about yourself. After  that, you will be eligible to participate in surveys. It is possible that you will be notified of new surveys by  email, but the most efficient way to view and participate in surveys is to log into your account, either  through the website or our mobile app, and search for active surveys. 

What are profile surveys, and why should I fill them accurately? uses profile surveys to collect information about its members in order to send them  relevant surveys. Members earn points for completing their profiles, but they also increase their chances  of being selected for surveys. Every few months, you should update your profile and check to see if any  new profile questions have been added. 

Where can I find surveys that have been published? 

While surveys are published in the main dashboard area, they are also notified via email.

Why am I not receiving surveys? 

There could be a number of reasons why you are not receiving surveys. If you do not reside in the  United States, the inventory available to you is unfortunately limited. The majority of our surveys are  conducted among residents of the United States. We'd like to add here that misrepresenting your  residency is grounds for account termination, as we do have means of verifying your location. We do  have surveys available to individuals outside the United States and are constantly working to expand our  offerings. This is why it is critical to keep your profile information current. Additional reasons include  being flagged for speeding, straight lining, or failing multiple Red Herring test questions. If you recently  noticed a decrease in mission inventory, please contact our support team so they can look into your 

How do I get paid?  

Once you reach the minimum approved point balance of 1000, you can elect to be paid in one of several  ways. You can request payment via PayPal and, once your address has been verified, you will receive the funds within 10 business days. Alternatively, you can select one of the sveral electronic gift cards we  offer. Make your selection prior to completing your redemption, and you will receive an electronic gift  card within 7-10 business days. 

What is the minimum point requirement for redemption? 

The minimum available point balance is 1000 points, which is equivalent to $10.00 in monetary value.  Points can only be redeemed in 1000-point increments (1000, 2000, etc.). Anything above the  redemption point would be retained in your Point Bank and applied to your next redemption. Please  note that when you request that your redemption be issued via PayPal, a 2% fee is added by PayPal. 

How can I check my reward points and balance? 

Within the dashboard, you can view all of your points and redemption details by  selecting the Redemption list option. 

Do reward points expire? 

While reward points do not technically expire, they may affect your ability to redeem them. Existing  accounts may be terminated for violations of our terms of service, fraud, inappropriate behavior, or if  you have not logged into and meaningfully interacted with the site for a period of more than 12 months.  If your account is cancelled or deactivated, you will no longer be able to redeem your points regardless  of the balance remaining. 

How much money am I able to earn through 

Your earning potential is contingent upon a variety of factors, including your frequency of sign-in, your  demographic information in comparison to available survey inventory, and final review by our survey  requesters 

What is a point's monetary value? 

One point is worth $0.01, and 100 points are worth $1.00. 1000 points (minimum redemption) would be  worth $10.00 

What does "Over Quota" mean? 

Often our survey requesters require data from specific demographics and, in some cases, in specific  proportions. If they know they have met their quota based on demographic information gathered during  the survey, they have met their quota. As a result, if you fall into that demographic, you will not be  asked to complete the survey .Because predicting what they're looking for is rarely successful, we  encourage you to always respond honestly. 

What does "disqualified" mean? 

Often our survey requesters require data from specific demographics and, in some cases, in specific  proportions. For instance, they may wish to elicit responses from men and women between the ages of 18 and 54 who reside in California. If you are over 60 and live in Wyoming, you do not meet any of the  required demographic criteria. As a result, you would be disqualified from the survey. Because  predicting what they're looking for is rarely successful, we encourage you to always respond honestly

How to deactivate my account? 

If you wish to cancel your membership, you can do so by sending us an email requesting to unsubscribe  you from Alternatively, to deactivate your account, log in and navigate to the top  right-hand corner of your screen to your name login. Unsubscribe using the unsubscribe option listed  there. If you cancel your membership and unsubscribe from your account, your  points will expire immediately and you will no longer be able to redeem them. 

When can my account be suspended? 

There are numerous reasons why a user's account may be suspended, none of which are desirable. If  you have not been able to access surveys for an extended period of time, your account may have been  suspended. Kindly contact for additional information, and include the email  address you use to log into in your message. If a solution exists, they can handle it  for you. 

What can I do if I've been waiting a long time for pending points? 

All survey responses are verified with the survey sponsor, which is why your reward points may not be  immediately available in your account. This is a separate process from and may take  up to 4-6 weeks to complete the review process and post the rewards to your account. If you have  waited longer than six weeks for your pending points to be verified, please contact  and include the email address you use to log into in your request. 

What are you referring to when you say "Pending and Approved Points"? 

All survey responses are verified with the survey creator, which is why reward points are not always  immediately available. While the verification process is ongoing, points are considered pending. Once  the sponsoring client has successfully verified the survey, the points are automatically converted to  approve status. 

I requested that my redemption be sent to PayPal. Why did you take more points than you needed for  redemption

Effective November 2019, redemptions will reflect PayPal's 2% fee for PayPal transfers. Your redemption  amount is net of this fee. This 2% fee applies only to PayPal payments; it does not apply to gift card  payments. 

What if the survey links are broken or do not work? 

Our technical team works diligently to ensure that each survey link works perfectly every time, but there  are a variety of reasons why a survey may not open. To begin, force-refresh your browser and retry the survey link. If you are experiencing difficulties with multiple survey links, please contact 

Why do I occasionally receive the message "Internal Server Error" when I attempt to launch a survey

While our technical team works diligently to ensure that every survey link works perfectly every time,  there are a variety of reasons why a survey may display this message. However, in the majority of cases,  this survey has been deactivated, either because it has reached the maximum number of required  responses or has been paused. If you are experiencing difficulties with more than one survey link, please  contact 

I attempted to complete a survey and it simply froze in the middle. Do you give me credit for my  squandered time? 

If you are forced to close your browser window during a survey for any reason, you will not be credited  for taking it and will receive no reward. If this happens with more than one survey, please  contact 

I spent an inordinate amount of time completing a survey, but was terminated before it was  completed. Was there an omission? Will I be fully reimbursed for my time

The survey sponsor may end the session for a variety of reasons, including (but not limited to) a "red  herring" question designed to elicit attention, technical issues missed during our tech team's thorough  checks, and late quality checks by the survey sponsor. 

What browser should I use when taking surveys? 

Because our website is compatible with all browsers, you may continue to use the one you prefer. We  do recommend periodically clearing your cookies to ensure a better experience

How do I contact the helpdesk with a question or for assistance? 

For those who are already members and can access their accounts, it is recommended that you login  and submit your question through the helpdesk section by raising a ticket. Alternatively you can  contact for any further assistance. 

Dos & Don'ts of 

Always provide truthful responses. 

Before responding, carefully read all questions. 

Notify helpdesk if you believe a third-party is contacting you without your consent to be contacted  about survey opportunities or to join their panel. 

Avoid rushing through surveys (this may account into disqualifications)

Never share survey details with friends or on public forums, including survey contents, survey titles,  survey IDs, completion time, and screenshots. 

Do not submit photos, ideas, and videos that are inappropriate or offensive. 

Avoid Bullying and/or offensive, profane, or hateful behavior toward other members  and/or support teams. 

Do not comment spamming on the Rewards Store 

Refrain from completing surveys or offers containing false or erroneous information 

Do not manipulate any cookie or browser setting with the intent of defrauding or circumventing or any of its advertisers or sponsors' controls.